What is the prayer I need to say to be saved?

What is the prayer I need to say to be saved?

To listen to Nancy’s answer recorded from Moody radio, click below. Growing up as an agnostic, what frustrated me the most about the Christians I knew, was that none of them could answer fundamental questions about their faith. I would ask, “How do you know that Jesus...
Who is the Holy Spirit and what does He do?

Who is the Holy Spirit and what does He do?

To listen to Nancy’s answer recorded from Moody radio with Kelli and Steve. Click below. The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit make up the Being of God. All three persons of the Trinity make up the Being of God. They have always existed together and will continue to...
What does it mean to be set free?

What does it mean to be set free?

To listen to Nancy’s answer recorded from Moody radio with Kelli and Steve, click below. God is a giver of great gifts. Paul writes in Ephesians 1:3, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in...