Why does God hate sin?

Why does God hate sin?

God hates sin because it goes against His being. God is holy. He embodies an incomprehensible degree of purity. He is the epitome of moral perfection and is free from any blemish. All of humanity’s sins are against God. “For You are not a God who takes...
Why does evil seem to be winning?

Why does evil seem to be winning?

Today’s world is experiencing the result of unleashed evil resulting from human beings who were created in God’s image to love and serve others. As a culture and as individuals, we have rejected God and rebelled against His commandments of living...
What is the rapture of the Church?

What is the rapture of the Church?

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth and then created men and women to be obedient to Him. Everything was perfect until Adam and Eve became dissatisfied with all God had given them and chose to put their hopes and trust in the Deceiver, Satan. God...
What is the prayer I need to say to be saved?

What is the prayer I need to say to be saved?

To listen to Nancy’s answer recorded from Moody radio, click below. Growing up as an agnostic, what frustrated me the most about the Christians I knew, was that none of them could answer fundamental questions about their faith. I would ask, “How do you know that Jesus...