Strategic ministry PArtners
National Network of Youth Ministries
The National Network of Youth Ministries desires to step out and work alongside other caring adults locally and nationally to reach our precious young people for Jesus Christ.
The purpose of NNYM is to unite youth workers and national ministries to reach teenagers. Networking means leveraging our efforts – working together. And “together” means all of us – youth workers, teenage leaders, teachers, parents, other adults – everyone who loves kids. Please take some time to learn more about NNYM and discern how you might be led to join in the effort to reach this generation. Watch Why Would I Join a Youth Leader’s Network? NNYM Version

Ratio Christi
Ratio Christi (Latin for ‘The Reason of Christ’) is a global movement that equips university students and faculty to give historical, philosophical, and scientific reasons for following Jesus Christ. Bringing together faith and reason to establish the intellectual voice of Christ in the University, Ratio Christi is planting student led apologetics clubs at universities around the world. Students, engaged in the battle for the mind, learn to defend God’s existence, the reliability of the Bible, and the fact of Christ’s resurrection. We seek a Renaissance of Christian Thinking in the University.
Their promo video is excellent! Click here to watch
Moody Radio
Moody Radio produces and delivers compelling programming filled with solid biblical insight and creative expressions of faith that helps you take the next step in your relationship with Christ. Through the power of the Word, you will hear and experience more of the life God intends for you in every moment, in every situation.

Truth At Work
Truth At Work has been designed to help Christian business leaders, entrepreneurs, CEOs and executives: build “kingdom-minded” businesses and organizations, integrate their Christian faith into their daily operations and practices, develop and share “cutting edge” business technologies to succeed in today’s marketplace, achieve personal-spiritual-business “life integration” and balance, and experience a safe & confidential place to share their issues and challenges.
Grace Adventure Camp
Grace Adventure’s vision for the future is to impact youth, adults, families and communities with Jesus Christ through evangelism, discipleship, leadership training and educational opportunities in a year-round, quality Christian environment. It is located in Silver Lake, Michigan.

Nehemiah Institute
The Nehemiah Institute is a unique Christian ministry providing a one-of-a-kind Christian worldview testing and training program to families, schools, churches, businesses and political groups.
Northpoint Homeschool Classes
Northpoint Homeschool Classes offers parents the chance to be the primary educators of their children while partnering with them in a collaborative effort to provide academic, social and extracurricular resources for home school families. Northpoint is a place where private school meets home school.

Summit Ministries
Doe River Gorge
Whether you are in elementary school, a teenager, trekking through college, or seeking to engage your family or organized group, the Doe River Gorge summer camp in Hampton, TN offers opportunities to experience exciting adventures, learn new skills, develop leadership qualities, and grow exponentially in your personal life—all while getting to know the God of all creation.

Answers in Genesis
AiG focuses on providing answers to questions surrounding the book of Genesis, as it is the most-attacked book of the Bible. They also desire to train others to develop a biblical worldview.
SAMBICA is a non-denominational Christian camp and conference center located in Sammamish, WA.

Ravi Zacharias
RZIM is a global ministry that seeks to communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to cultural influencers throughout the world. Through open forums,