To listen to Nancy’s answer to the worldview question of the week recorded on Moody Radio click here.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most significant event in the history of the world. It is something so miraculous that even for the believer we can barely take it all in. Jesus Christ, a human being, was crucified for our sins and then three days later rose again. From all we know about being human, this could not have happened. But yet, it did. The aftermath of this event changed everything that matters.
The lives of the disciples were changed.
When Jesus appeared to the disciples after His death, the men were changed. This motley crew, who up to this point had little.understanding as to the significance of the death and resurrection of Jesus. They became transformed from fearful cowards to mighty warriors of faith. They were convinced that Jesus was indeed who He said He was…God! Nothing could have kept the disciples from body witnessing their faith. They underwent beatings and imprisonment. All but one died painful and torturous deaths. Because of their faith in Christ, They refused to cave to the pressure because they knew that it was true. No one could die for a lie.
The Church began.
Peter, the one who once denied Jesus, spoke to 3000 at Pentecost and the church was born, and lives were forever changed. Celebration of Easter instead of Passover began. (No longer would they need the blood of an animal for forgiveness. Jesus’ blood was shed so that our sins would be forgiven forever! No more need for a sacrifice.)
Historial evidence
Professor Thomas Arnold, a historical author and chair of modern history at Oxford University, writes, “Thousands and tens of thousands of persons have gone through it piece by piece, as carefully as every judge summing up on a most important case. I know of no one fact in history of mankind which is proved better and fuller evidence of every sort that Christ died and rose again from the dead.”
Changed lives of believers
Max Lucado writes in Six Hours One Friday, that the outcome of the death and resurrection of Jesus for all of us means that:
My life is not futile…there is truth. Someone is in control and I have purpose.
My failures are not fatal…The one who has the right to condemn you provided the way to acquit you. You make mistakes. God doesn’t and he made you.
My death is not final…He only went into the tomb to prove he could come out.
He Chose the Nails, Lucado pens this poem:
The diadem of pain which sliced your gentle face, three spikes piercing flesh and wood
to hold you in your place. The need for blood I understand. Your sacrifice I embrace.
But the bitter sponge, the cutting spear, and the spit upon your face? Did it have to be a cross?
Did not a kinder death exist than six hours hanging between life and death, all spurred by a
by a betrayer’s kiss. “Oh, Father,” you pose, heart-stilled at what could be,
“I’m sorry to ask, but I long to know, did you do this for me?”
…Pause and listen. Perchance you will hear Him whisper: “I did it just for you.”