Why does God hate sin?

Why does God hate sin?

God hates sin because it goes against His being. God is holy. He embodies an incomprehensible degree of purity. He is the epitome of moral perfection and is free from any blemish. All of humanity’s sins are against God. “For You are not a God who takes...
How does God want us to worship Him?

How does God want us to worship Him?

Listen to Nancy’s answer recorded live on Moody radio, here: What is Christian worship? Many would answer this question the same way they would describe how they came to faith in Jesus: I grew up with it, or it is just what I do on Sundays. Worship for others...
How can I be a better friend?

How can I be a better friend?

Listen to Nancy answer this question recorded on Moody Radio with Kelli and Steve. Most of us enjoy the good friends we have made. Most of them look and act the same and have similar interests. We tend to struggle with making new friends who are different from us....