A Note from Nancy…
How many girls are on a volleyball team?
I had the privilege of speaking to the female athletes at Taylor University several weeks ago. Some of the volleyball players indicated they wanted to learn more about what we taught at Anchorsaway. Their coach, Erin Luthy, and I set a date for us to learn together. I offered up our house for them to stay seeing as how there are six on a team; or so I thought! As we got into the planning, I was asked if I was sure we wanted to house the 18-person team. Surprise! It worked! We were wall to wall girl and had a ball with the most amazing group young ladies. Yes, they could put down food with the best of them.
What do you teach highly skilled and academically bright women? Maybe not so surprising, we taught non-stop on their true identity and God’s identity. Our goal was to answer the question: What if God is not who you think He is and neither are you?We expect Christians to love Jesus, but that is impossible if they don’t know Him by who He says He is in the scriptures. Jesus says that He loves all of us all the time-on our worst day, He loves us. He shows no favorites. He wants us to get to know Him through reading the Bible and praying. He will never abandon us or condemn us. As athletes, it was easy to see that their perception of themselves was that if they did not perform well, on the court or in the classroom, then they were losers in the greater sense of the word. If they did poorly on a test, they were “dumb.” That happens when we let the culture define us.
As we do in all of our bootcamp seminars, we taught them our framing exercise (click here) and had them practice with each other. They learned how to have conversations with and love better those who are not Christians. The girls realized that true love for another is a choice not a feeling. Healthy relationships are built on love for others as God loves us. It is not performance! At the close of our special bootcamp for them, they shared the new insight as to who and whose they were and that through it all, God loves them! They left changed women who were anxious now to love themselves and others well.
Click here if you would like a reminder as to who you are as a believer in Christ!
If you, along with a group of people, would like to come to an Anchorsaway Worldview Bootcamp in Carmel, Indiana, please join us on the evening of August 25 and the 26 ending at 1:00 pm. Register here.
If you would like to have a group greater than 15 go through an Anchorsaway Worldview Bootcamp in your area, please call our office at 317-844-0381. Click here for the topics covered in our bootcamp.
Welcome Ashley North to the Anchorsaway team. She is our director of communications and events. If you have any questions about our bootcamp or curriculum, please give her a call!I am thankful for all of you who are faithful to our ministry. Because of your prayers, offers to help out in our office and your financial support, we can continue reaching hundreds of students every year. Please keep praying and giving to us in any way you can. You are making a huge difference in our ministry. Every dollar we raise makes a difference. Please join us in this effort. Click here to donate.
Please continue to pray for us. We have much to do in continuing to build partnerships with those ministries and churches that God is bringing to us. It is an exciting time for us. I believe that when Christian ministries and churches come together and share with one another, God will bless the Church and those who will grow in an authentic relationship with Jesus.
“…so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.” (Ephesians 4:14-16)
Thank you so much.
Blessings and much love!