Anchorsaway is a Christian leadership training and worldview resource ministry targeting adults who want to learn how to build a strong biblical worldview for themselves and then learn how to teach it to others.


Our mission at Anchorsaway is to instruct, challenge and inspire adults, youth workers, ministry staff, pastors and anyone who wants to learn to think Christianly in all areas of life, to passionately live out their faith and to love God and others well.




You can be trained to teach Anchorsaway class in your community! Begin your online training today!



Anchorsaway now offers a video course for adults who want to learn the same things that we are teaching in Anchors. You can now take the full course online individually, or get an introduction to the concepts in our Worldview Bootcamp.


Real talk about your most significant worldview questions

How can I love God well?

Jesus was asked by a Pharisee what the greatest commandment was, and He answered by saying, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important commandment. The second is like it: Love your...

What can we expect when God calls us to go into the world to change the godless culture?

For Christians to stay away from speaking out on the political issues of today because Christians are “not supposed to express their opinion of what is good and evil in our culture” is both ridiculous and unbiblical! Through time, God is calling and has called many...

Why is it critically important for Christians to forgive themselves and others?

For many who have been deeply hurt, the thought of forgiveness seems close to impossible. "Why should I forgive.? They intentionally hurt me to the point where, as an adult, I am still wounded by what they did and said to me." Why should I forgive those who sin...

What is wrong with John Lennon’s “imagine” song?

Former president Jimmy Carter, the 39th commander-in-chief of the United States, passed away at the age of 100. As with all presidents since 1893, the funeral was held at the Washington National Cathedral. The plans for a presidential funeral are made in great detail...

Where were the Wise Men when Christ was born?

The coming of the promised Messiah, Jesus, was foretold throughout the Old Testament soon after Adam and Eve chose to turn from God and believe Satan's lies that they could become their own god. This breach of trust was the first sin committed by man against God that...

What was it about Mary that God wanted her to be the mother of His Son?

God knows why He chose Mary to be the mother of Jesus, but one thing we know is that there was nothing random about it. He had Mary in His mind before the creation of the world. After Adam and Eve sinned in Genesis 3, God immediately promised to send the Savior...

What is so special about Bethlehem?

If there is one known fact that we can be sure it happened, it would be the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Archeological discoveries, ancient writings, and the Scriptures' prophecies tell the story of Jesus, the Son of God!
The Bible is the only...

What is Christian deconstruction?

Many self-identified Christians have themselves or have friends and family who are leaving their Christian faith and are turning to a belief system that yields to person, al opinion and the Godless cultural whim over truth. This "Christian Deconstructionism" movement...

Where do we find grace in the Old Testament?

Grace is closely related to God's benevolence, love, and mercy. Grace is defined as "God's favor toward the unworthy" or "God's benevolence on the undeserving." God is willing to forgive and bless us abundantly by His grace, even though we don't deserve to be treated...

How does Satan rob our joy?

There is no question that Satan is real. He has a history and a future. God created him as the highest angel in Heaven until he wanted to be God and be worshiped by angels and even God. God threw Satan to earth along with a ⅓ of all the angels that now inhabit the...

OUR Resources


We have written syllabus for homeschool, Christian high school, Christian college and the Anchors Worldview Handbook for students to study as they work through the course online or in person. Anyone can learn. You can also engage with our ongoing resources provided on our blog and through Moody Radio.

UNANSWERED: Smoke, Mirrors, and God 

Our UNANSWERED: Smoke, Mirrors, and God course is a great place to start.


As a result of training teachers to teach Anchorsaway , our hope is that through the work of the Holy Spirit, students will develop an authentic faith resulting in personal regeneration, moral revival and cultural restoration!

There is absolutely no doubt that an Anchorsaway student will develop a deeper understanding of the Christian faith. They will be prepared to give an answer to those who have questions about God, our purpose and the hope we can all have in this broken world.

Students will learn the apologetics of the Christian faith as well as how to live out their faith in all of life.

You can be trained to teach Anchorsaway class in your community!


Here is what other’s are saying about their Anchorsaway experience:

“Nancy Fitzgerald and Anchorsaway are doing a fabulous job teaching young people how to defend and live out their faith. That is a mission field, and should be our number one mission field, because we are discovering that young men and women who come out of youth groups, good families and churches are losing their faith when they get on the college campuses.”

Chuck Colson

Author and Founder of Prison Fellowship

 “If you are looking for a high school worldview curriculum, Anchorsaway is an excellent choice.”

Amy K.

Highschool Teacher

“There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration by injected humour.”

Doug Fields

Author & Speaker

“In the battle being waged for the hearts and minds of young people today, it is essential that they be grounded in their faith and learn to ‘think Christianly.’ Anchorsaway is one of the best programs I’ve seen that not only equips students to understand our times, but also to impact our culture through the Biblical Christian worldview.”

Dr. David A. Noebel

President, Summit Ministries

Your Worldview journey 
Starts Here!

For additional information about Anchorsaway please fill out the form below.