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Video Clips for PowerPoint
Preston Perry’s “Jesus is God” rap piece is a wonderful clip to use with Lesson 6: Is Jesus Christ God? and What is the Trinity? Good to use as a closing clip for the lesson.
Ray Vanderlaan video charging students to live out their life.
Anchorsaway ministries founder and director, Nancy Fitzgerald, offers a simple visual example of our relationship with and position in God.
As Christians, we have to be careful to remember that Jesus isn’t just a man, or just a helper of God, but that He IS God. This is the difference between Christianity and all other religions. Many religions will say that Jesus was a good man, a prophet, a teacher, but no other religion besides Christianity will say that Jesus Christ is God, in full deity. In John 10:30 Jesus says, “I and the Father are one.”
Lesson 6 Is Jesus Christ God? What is the Trinity? by Nancy Fitzgerald
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