Straight Talk Lesson 1 Videos

Video Clips for PowerPoint

A brief overview of the Christian worldview ministry, Anchorsaway. This is a good clip to show at the beginning of the the students’ Christian worldview experience so they can get a better sense of what Anchorsaway is about.

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This 14 minute informational video is helpful for explaining the purpose and mission of Anchorsaway to anyone who may be interested in learning more. 

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Scene: This is a Christian worldview clip. It is a true account of how a coach’s belief changed a student, a team and a school.

Teaching Lesson: When a coach sees through the Christian worldview, he provides an opportunity for an autistic manager to not only experience love and support from his coach, parents and students but also an amazing love-gift from God.

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Scene: This is a Christian worldview clip. After being bombed by Allied troops, Ernest makes the choice to help the injured enemy soldiers.

Teaching Points: The Christian Worldview means that we see enemies as human beings who are also deeply loved by God. We are called to love and serve even if the world sees them as the enemy.

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The true story of Sara Sumpolec leaving witchcraft and becoming a follower of Christ. A great example of seeing the beauty that comes from embracing others with the love of Christ, no matter who they are!

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The Christian worldview untangles us from the world, because the Christian worldview is the way Jesus sees the world. Now is the time for us to change the way we think, the way we see the world, and the way we respond to it. Living with a Christian worldview means living with God as your foundation for how you think, speak, write and interact with others.  

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Lesson 1 audio taught by Nancy Fitzgerald

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by Nancy Fitzgerald

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